imageseg 0.5.1
- imageSegmentation: fixed map_depth() error introduced with purrr >1.0.0
imageseg 0.5.0 (2022-05-29)
new functions
- u_net_plusplus: Creates a U-Net++ architecture
new features
- dataAugmentation / imagesToKerasInput: new argument "subset" (for subsetting function input)
- imagesToKerasInput: new argument "max" (to specify maximum value of image color range)
- resizeImages: new argument "filter", to specify filter algorithm for resizing.
other changes
- u_net uses layer_conv_2d_transpose instead of layer_upsampling_2d
- updated vignette, better test/train/validation split
imageseg 0.4.0 (2021-12-09)